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Hi, it's Kittyhawk! I make comics and art, and I also make games with Montrose.



The Queensland

Joined on 9/11/19

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8.09 votes
Art Scouts
Police Officer
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4y 8m 9d

Can it be pixel art, or are you just looking for regular digital art?

Pixel art is fine as long as it's Pokemon Gijinka! :D

> I’m looking for the best artists and musicians to come on board this collab

Dangit, im B tier

B for Bangin'. You're top shelf, certified awesome. :D

Question: in the form, where it says "NG homepage", do I just post the link to my homepage?

Yep, you got it!

@KittyhawkMontrose also what does it mean by art sample? I know that it's not a required question, but it's kinda confusing if I haven't started drawing for this collab yet

An art sample is one of your pieces on Newgrounds. Just pick your best! :D

Is animation allowed? Also I would rather not use a google draft. May I PM you the answers instead?

Simple animations like an idle animation that loops we might consider! No, answers must be done through Google Forms, sorry.

This looks interesting! I can finally joined a collab for once heheh

@KittyhawkMontrose Yeah, I was just wondering cuz I totally forgot where you could see your discord discriminator, I just had to hover in a sign next to my name, lol. But yeah, You'll see my application sometime today!


Is there discord server for this Collab like secret Santa did?

Yup! If you're accepted, you'll receive a link to the Discord Server where you can reserve your Pokemon!

@KittyhawkMontrose I think I already submitted my form, but I didn't include the art samples. Is it okay if I can redo it?

It's OK! I can see your gallery, so you're good!

@KittyhawkMontrose btw I think I'll be doing either Sylveon or Latias for this

if I'm doing Sylveon, I'll probably give it some lolita gothic attire, but if it's for Latias, I'm thinking about basing its design off of those classical figures/art pieces you'd see depicting divine beings (since Latias is a legendary) though obviously not as realistic

let's go let's go LET'S GOOOOO


I'm definitely drawing yveltal for sure

@KittyhawkMontrose okay I finally decided that I'll do Sylveon, since it should be easy for me to come up with clothes for it

me want in

already applied, i half apologize in advance for sending links of the stuff i made for the previous pokemon collabs

*A Simisear walks in the collab*

Hey will we get a notice if we are rejected? THIS is Hella exciting and I can't wait to see what everyone picks.

I will contact everyone, no worries! I'm still going through applications! :D

Is background for my pic of gijinka is need it? I can make music also, but i'm not good of deciding about genre, i palnned to draw one pokemon gijinka mostly, but is need it more necessary?

A background isn't necessary, but if you want to add one, that's cool. The music is easy enough in that we need remixes of Pokemon music or even songs in the style of Pokemon. We really need musicians! You'll receive one Pokemon at first, and if you finish, there might be more opened up! :D

I might sign up for this collab. My biggest question is, do I have to be signed in to Google to submit the form? My google/gmail is personal, so I would need to create an alt if I must be signed in.

I mainly want to sign up early-ish so I can claim a favorite 'Mon. Is it lazy to claim an already human-like one? Like Gardevoir or something? It almost feels like cheating lol

I'm not the best at art yet, and most of my art now is just symmetry drawings, but I am still determined to try new things and I hope I would be approved. I am practicing posing and shading, and I'm sure by November I will have produced something I am proud of.

You don't need an account to sign up, so no worries on that front!

If you feel your art isn't up to the challenge yet, maybe do some training, like do some studies before you enter? That way you'll have some good examples to show me. :D

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