STREAMS Sat @ 9pm EDT, Chatroom 24/7:
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Hi, it's Kittyhawk! I make comics and art, and I also make games with Montrose.



The Queensland

Joined on 9/11/19

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8.09 votes
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4y 8m 11d

can't wait to see a gijinka garbodor

@KittyhawkMontrose Ya you're probably right. I've dreaded what I call "the grind" of drawing practice for a long time, thought I could just self-train, but I've come to realize I'm not improving very fast on my own. Time to dust off the pile of drawing books I haven't touched in 5+ years XD

How long have you been practicing drawing?

You can do it! Reading is a good idea, and drawing from life is also a good one. Build that foundation! :D

A very, very long time! I can't stop drawing! XD

I should have more things to do this year. I’m in.

I regret finding this collab by chance ;-; *sweats profusely*

Yeah sure

hi there,i don't have many songs published in my networks,mostly here in newgrounds,i could create some samples to see if you can include me in this? i found the idea interesting hah

Yeah, go for it! I'd love to check them out!

@KittyhawkMontrose oki

Ok, I'm interested in joining because I don't have a lot inspiring me to draw lately. But I'm damn curious to ask some things before I join.

1. What is this no block rule? It's so specific and I've never seen this being stated in any other collab work before. It baffles me. Did this happen before? Did this happen to you in specific? And what exactly does blocking affect? Hell, I didn't even know you could partially block someone. There's gotta be some good answers for all of this.
2. Why can't someone participate in this collab in the same way people participated in @TheOve 's Sonic collab? Basically giving an open excel sheet of available Sonic designs and letting everyone come in at random, assigning which design they want to take on and giving them the chance to draw it and tag it. I get you need to vet ppl if you're expecting quality but there's a lot of pokemon to draw... Not saying that because one person did a collab this way then you should to.
3. Can 1 artist do only 1 piece? Or can they submit multiple pieces for multiple pokemon?
4. How can you realistically identify people as minors or adults? Can't someone underage just walk in, say they're 18+ and that's that? If someone really wants in, they're just gonna say they're old enough...
5. Can you just make a piece right now, post it in the art portal with the tag for the collab, and then dip? (assuming you're already in)

Most of this is morbid curiosity to understand how a collab runs

Oh sweet, let's dive in!

1. Collabs are about camaraderie, so I feel that if you join, you're saying you accept the people in the collab in whole. I'm not saying forever because I'm only asking for until one month after the collab is posted to Newgrounds. Blocking effects people being able to comment on a collab, and I don't want anyone left out. This has been a problem with some collabs lately, and I feel it's something that needs to change.

2. There's an age requirement and an expectation of quality. This is why the spreadsheet is only accessible through the Discord server.

3. We are allowing two pieces for each artist now if they finish their first. I may increase that again soon.

4. NG and Discord have ways to do that for me.

5. I can't stop you, but that piece wouldn't be part of the final collection, which is what will be promoted.

Hope this all answers your questions! :D

@KittyhawkMontrose Thanks for the full reply, that's really sweet of you. I think I'll join just for the hell of it

I wonder what horrors this collab will create

I could’ve sworn I’ve applied for this one

what a hell, I don't gonna to participate.


- Are participants allowed to choose any available Pokemon they want to draw, or are they assigned one?

- Is there a public spreadsheet that people can view to see which Pokemon have been taken already? That might help people decide if they want to apply or not.

• You can choose from the available Pokemon on the list. There's plenty left!

• Here ya go! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yd2yqHM6iHNuQ81r2jUk1V_XqwJ6jsEhSCiHbV-S9lo/htmlview

I hope you'll check it out!

I know just the Pokémon to use for this. XD
It won't be M-rated, but it'll still be just as sexy. :D

Nice! Please be sure to apply!

@KittyhawkMontrose Already applied. :)
Will it be okay if I do 2 different versions (Male and Female) of the same Pok'emon?

If i get in imma do guzzlord ON GOD

Aaa, wanted to join this but I'm right at 16 and the overall rating isn't something I wan't my public art in. I do hope everything turns out well in the Collab and, thought I might not see if for myself, I'm sure every piece will turn out great!! besides, there's no one stopping me from making gijinka designs in my own time, lmao

Oh no! But no worries, I'll be doing more general ages things in the future, so please be on the lookout for those. And yup! Nobody can stop you. XD Thank you so much for your encouragement!!

i can not join :(

It's OK! I'm gonna do future events that are more general audience. :D

Okay, how do I choose a pokemon that isn't taken already?

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