STREAMS Sat @ 9pm EDT, Chatroom 24/7:
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Hi, it's Kittyhawk! I make comics and art, and I also make games with Montrose.



The Queensland

Joined on 9/11/19

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16,991 / 17,760
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8.08 votes
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4y 8m


okay buuuuut can i draw Smiling Friends gijinka though

LOL JKJK this seems super interesting! i'll have to see if i can join. i've never drawn any Pokemon ever (lol), nor have i turned any into humans XD. but yeah, i guess i have all the time in the world to decide XD <3

Hehehehe, yes, must be Pokemon! XD I hope you do join in! It's gonna be some fun character design for sure.

looks gay

op battle collab bettr

Why not... DO BOTH?!! After all, "Pokemon shouldn't fight Pokemon!"

im sorry 4 being mean before.. i dont know what came over me it's like i was a different person, i hope ur collab goes well it's just that i succumb to peer pressure since i am on a video call with RGPAnims, and BROLYNG and they both told me it would be funny if i commented those horrible thigs..

You did the right thing. Always fuck with people!

Hmm shit Imma do this one fuck it

@KittyhawkMontrose close enough :<

Oh this sounds great! I know somebody who would probably like this a lot!

I’ll definitely check this out later sounds amazing ! :)

Interesting, I have already participated in a collab related to the Gijinka called Happy Tree Friends Gijinka Collab by OnyxGalaria.

I would be interested in participating :)

Nice work on yours, and the collab looks great! You have to be 17 to join this collab though. I'm so sorry. :( But, I will do an all-age event again in the future, no worries!

Nah I'd win ??

You win... doing Pokemon remixes!! :D

@KittyhawkMontrose oh i didnt notice, okay, i understand :P

It's cool! So much excitement! :D

Sick! I’m in! So I just apply with the form right? Should I send my submission to you ounce I’m done after Nov 4th and the deadline?

Yep, apply with the form, and I'll DM you on NG with the Discord link. You can reserve your Pokemon there. And we have a completed artwork channel where you can post it, so really easy! Looking forward to your application!


Yeahhh!! GET IN NOW!!!! I think he's still there!! :D

@ElRandomGMD @KittyhawkMontrose Would you be interested if someone else thought of running an E-rated collab alongside this one for the kids, as sister-events, like how I agreed with DioDhiba to mutually promote Pokémon Mystery Lovers and Mystery Meat?

(Also, I just remembered that Pokémon Réburst was a thing and I recommend people take inspiration from that absolute fever dream.)

I'm not sure if it's a great idea to have a Kids event that's associated to be going on at the same time as a Mature event, especially since it started as a Mature event. So it'd have to be completely separate, no crossover. I think it'd be weird otherwise.

At least 1025 or more to see,
To be a pokémon master is my destiny.

@KittyhawkMontrose cool! Thanks for the heads up!

oooo I might join durin the weekend

Yessss!! Please do!!

Will the collab be something interactive or just like those recent collages in the art portal?

It will have a proper menu, music, and def interactive. I like being able to flip through at my own pace, and I know others do too. :D

Are Discord Discriminators even used nowadays?

Ehhhh, in theory. But some users have not been migrated forward, so, yeah... We're just being paranoid. XD;;

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