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Hi, it's Kittyhawk! I make comics and art, and I also make games with Montrose.



The Queensland

Joined on 9/11/19

Exp Points:
17,751 / 17,760
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
8.17 votes
Audio Scouts
Art Scouts
Police Sergeant
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
4y 10m 15d

I am looking into writing a comic right now

sounds great sign me up!

I'm down! I was thinking about making a new comic anyways so this is some good incentive.

Yeah, maybe it's time, after 10? years to make another short comic? *koffs with ancient dust*

I know. Just an idea to post them somewgere else too.
But after using it few days, it has some errors, unless its my pc or wifi wich I doubt. Anyways

It's a sign that Newgrounds is the way for comics! :D

Hey, can I also post my comic like on medibang? Or I'll have to wait untill the contest is over?

Go for it! You only have to post it on NG for the contest, but go wild sharing it.

I hope AI is not allowed?

I think that's against the rules on NG anyway, so I think you have hope!

@KittyhawkMontrose omg thanks.

It's sounds very good! i would like to participate!

Hey this is a weird question but there's this thing that manga's tend to do, they put like an introductory page first before they put the cover art.

Is it ok if I sandwich the cover page between 2 regular page and not necessarily count in the 16 page count?

Covers don't count if you have 16 pages of comic, and if it's an obvious cover, we'll know and not count it. :D

@PancracioChoco Yuh same here!

How old are the judges? Just cuz I'm 29, probably a decade older than everyone on here

We're adults, so no worries. :D

I'm wondering what constitutes a "page." Sixteen panels? Sixteen pages full of multiple panels? Either or?

There's no limit to how many panels per page. It's up to you!

Say that we are fanatics for classical music or other songs. If we base our comic off of lyrics to a song, even if we try to make the reference subtle, or not; would it hurt our chances of being considered? Would it be considered original or fan story?

It goes without saying that the viewer would in theory be expected to know the song or listen to it via youtube link, and it wouldn't breach ng copyright law by being used in a video.

It would be fine! We are allowing fan/parody works, and that falls under fair use.

Since I love these kinds of things, I enjoy participating in them, I will do a great job creating my traditional comic! :D

Hmmm, maybe I should make a comic too?

yeah, I have another question:

how much are those prizes in Canadian?

also, will my comic, should it become either one of the biggest places/winners,

will or will it not become part of the Newgrounds Public Domain (if you wanna call it that)
once it gets released? also, remind me again how we're supposed to do 16 comics? not all in one post? what's the story there?

Here's a good converter so you can see what the prize is in Canadian day-to-day since currency is volatile: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=500+usd+to+cad&t=osx&ia=currency

NG will not be Public Domain-ing any projects. That's up to you when you set the license while making the Art Project.

You only have to make one comic! It's 16 pages per Art Project, so that's not too hard! 16 comics would be insane! XD

I haven't really done any comix here on Newgrounds, but I might join

Seems interesting

Hell, I'll interview the winners on Radio Graffiti as well, good luck everyone

Alright, two interviews each for the winners! Nice!

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